Genero Mobile components

Various Genero components work together to provide your mobile application development environment.

Table 1 identifies the Genero software components that are needed for mobile app development and are included in the bundle.

Table 1. Components for Genero mobile apps
Component Description Location
Genero Studio (GST) The integrated graphical development environment that includes all tools for app development such as Form Designer, Debugger, and Business Application Modeler. GMInstallDir/gst
Business Development Language (BDL) The program language designed to write an interactive database app, as a set of programs that handle the interaction between a user and a database. Programs communicate with the database server with Structured Query Language (SQL), and execute interactive instruction controlling app forms, to manage user input. GMInstallDir/fgl
Genero Mobile for Android (GMA) Genero Mobile for Android™ (GMA) is the Genero Mobile development client and runtime (Dynamic Virtual Machine, or DVM) that sits on the Android device or emulator. See Genero Mobile for Android. GMInstallDir/gma
Genero Mobile for iOS (GMI) Genero Mobile for iOS (GMI) is the Genero Mobile development client and runtime (Dynamic Virtual Machine, or DVM) that sits on the iOS device or emulator.
This component only appears if you are installing the Mac® version of the Genero Mobile bundle.
Note: Genero Mobile for iOS and the Genero Mobile Development Client are separate products. See Genero Mobile for iOS and Genero Mobile Development Client.

The Genero Mobile Development Client (an iOS-specific client) is not provided in the bundle, but can be downloaded from the Apple® App Store. See Genero Mobile Development Client for more information.

Which iOS client should you use?

There are two clients for your iOS device during development: Genero Mobile for iOS and the Genero Mobile Development Client. Which should you use?

  • If you are developing using a Mac, then you should be using the Genero Mobile for iOS client.
  • If you are NOT developing using a Mac, then you must use the Genero Mobile Development Client. GMI is not an option for developers on Windows® or Linux.