Create a SOAP web service client

You can use Genero Studio to write, compile, and execute a SOAP Genero Web Services (GWS) client application.

Before you begin:

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) description must be provided by the service provider. It can be provided as a file or as a URL. You can use the WSDL description to determine the operations of the Web Service in your BDL program, the required parameters, and the return values.

About this task:

The wizard retrieves the WSDL information and generates a .4gl file containing the BDL functions for the WSDL operations, which can be called by a Genero Web Service client application.

  1. In Project Manager, right-click an Application, folder or library node to view the context menu.
  2. Select Add Web Service > Client Consuming WSDL....
    The Add Web Services - Client consuming WSDL wizard displays.
  3. Complete the wizard.
    See The Web Services wizard for details on completing the various steps.
  4. Use Code Editor to create or modify a Genero application that calls the web service client.
    Use the WSDL information to determine the service name and functions. Code Editor recognizes and parses the syntax of BDL functions related to Genero Web Services. See the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for details on coding your Web services clients and servers.
  5. In Genero Studio Project Manager, add the WSHelper.42m file to the external dependency property of your Genero application; this compiled file contains functions used internally for Web Services.
  6. Use the Genero Studio Build menu option to compile and link your new application.

If you must access the web service using a proxy, provide the proxy information using Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, Genero Studio > Preferences).