Structured projects

A structured project starts with a default logical structure in the Projects view and a default physical structure on disk.

The exact structure depends on the type of project. Is it a desktop or mobile project? Are you generating your application using the Business Application Modeler (BAM)?

Once the project is created, you are responsible for saving new files into the nodes and directories. This topic provides you with guidelines for using the logical and physical structures provided.
Note: These are recommendations. You can modify the structure or create your own rules regarding where you save your files. Such modifications may require you to examine and set external dependencies appropriately.

Structured projects: the logical structure in Project Manager

When you create a structured project, the Projects view displays a default structure of group, application, library, and packaging nodes. Figure 1 shows the default Projects view for a new Genero BAM Desktop project, while Figure 2 shows the default Projects view for a new Genero BAM Mobile project.

Figure: BAM Desktop Project: Project Manager perspective

Note: For further information about the Application_GAR package, see Add a package node.
Figure: BAM Mobile Project: Project Manager perspective

Table 1 provides the guidelines as to which files should be saved to each of the Project nodes.

Table 1. Default nodes in a structured project
Node What should it contain
Application The Application node is intended to hold application source files. At a minimum, it must hold the source file that contains the MAIN function. These files are .4gl files.

For BAM structured projects, this node can also have the implemented program file (.4prg) from a Business Application diagram.

Applicationflow The Applicationflow node is intended for Business Application diagrams (.4ba ).

This node is created for BAM projects only.

Config The Config node is intended for configuration files, such as the FGLPROFILE file.

The exception is external application configuration files for use with the Genero Application Server and the Genero Browser Client. That configuration file should be saved in the Resources node.

Database The Database node contains no files when the structured project is first created. It is intended for database and database meta-schema files, such as those ending with a .db or .4dbx extension.
Entities The Entities node is intended for entities, such as form files. This includes form files (.4fd) that you created or import, as well as the form files that you implement from a Business Application diagram. For example, a CRUD form (.4fdm) can be saved into this node.
Resources The Resources node is intended for XML files that define user interface items, such as presentation style files (.4st), toolbars (.4tb), topmenus (.4tm), action defaults files (.4ad), and start menus (.4sm).

It is also intended for the XML-based external application configuration files (.xcf).

Test The Test application node contains no files when the structured project is first created. It is intended for a test scenario file (.4gl). Dependencies for the node include the Application node of the application being tested, and the Command line arguments property include the minimum command line arguments necessary for running a test scenario.

For more information, see GUI Testing.

Structured projects: the physical structure on disk

When you create a new structured project, you must provide the location of the project's root directory as part of the creation process. From this root directory, a set of sub-directories are created, with each directory intended for a specific set of files.

For example, Figure 3 displays the directory structure on disk for a BAM mobile project created in the MySandbox\new_BAM_mobile_project\ directory. A BAM desktop project will have a similar directory structure.

Tip: To see these directories, right-click on a file or node in the Project Manager and select Locate in File Browser or Locate in System File Browser.
Figure: BAM Mobile Project: File Browser perspective

The specifics of the directory structure can vary based on the project type. Table 2 outlines the content of these directories.

Table 2. Default directories for new structured project
Directory Files to be saved to this directory
appflow (BAM projects only) .4ba diagram.
config fglprofile, application configuration files (.xcf)
database sqlite file, meta-schema diagram
databaseMaintenance Database creation or update scripts
images Image files, .ttf fonts and the mapping of these fonts (image2font.txt)
resources Resource files, to include presentation style (.4st), toolbar (.4tb), topmenu (.4tm), startmenu (.4sm), and action defaults (.4ad) files.
src Genero source files, to include source code (.4gl), form (.4fd, .4fdm, and so on), and text-based form (.per) files.
tests GGC test scenarios (.4gl)
webcomponents Web component supporting files (.wcsettings, associated image files)

After you build the project, new bin directories are created to hold the compiled files.

Table 3. Directories for built structured project
Directory Files to be saved to this directory
bin Compiled executables
dbbin Default target directory for database creation or update scripts.

This directory is created for Genero BAM Desktop projects only.

distbin Genero archive files (.gar), package files, files to support OTA installation of mobile projects
testbin Default target directory for GGC test scenarios

Managing TTF fonts

Structured projects are designed to manage the deployment of customer .ttf fonts and the mapping of these fonts. An empty image2font.txt file is written to the images directory, and the Images node has both *.ttf and image2font.txt listed in the list of files to include (set by the Include Files property).

For additional information, see the Fonts section in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide