Setting occurrences for a record

You can define how many child records are printed for each master record.

When fetching the children of a master record, you may have data that ends up fetching many, many records. Depending on the needs of your report, you may not need all of the child records printed. You can define the desired behavior with the Occurrences property.
Important: In order for this property to affect the printing of lines, the children must be ordered. See Order records in the Business Records diagram.
Table 1. Occurrences property options
Option Description
0 - N

The master record prints, and all fetched child records print, whether it be one child record or many child records.

If no child rows are fetched, nothing is printed for the child record.

0 - 1

The master record prints, and only the first fetched child record prints. All other child records are discarded.

If no child rows are fetched, nothing is printed for the child record.

1 - 1

The master record prints, and only the first fetched child record prints. All other child records are discarded.

If no child rows are fetched, a child row still must print, and by default it will be an emtpy child record. To provide an alternate default child record, you would use an event to define the custom code.

1 - N

The master record prints, and all fetched child records print, whether it be one child record or many child records.

If no child rows are fetched, a child row still must print, and by default it will be an emtpy child record. To provide an alternate default child record, you would use an event to define the custom code.