
Control the paper orientation on the printer.


  orientationRequested STRING)
  1. orientationRequested - one of: landscape|portrait|reverse-landscape|reverse-portrait


Normally this value should not be set, as the orientation is set internally by analyzing the page width and height values. If the page is wider than it is high, it is set internally to landscape; otherwise it is set to portrait.Normally this value should not be set,

This function is used only by certain printer types. For example, a dot matrix printer might have a paper tray for both portrait and landscape. This function does not affect the orientation of the report itself; it is used only for communicating with the printer.

Setting this option reduces the set of usable printers to those matching it.

This function will fail if the provided argument is not one of the specified values.

For an example of Genero code using a reporting function, see Using report output functions. This example may not use the specific function discussed in this topic, however it provides details on where you would place this (and other) report output functions.